PASS-Senior Citizen’s Home
Under the assistance of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India. The Organisation is running Old Age Home at Kammapalle, R.C.Puram Mandal, Chittoor District. In the home 25 Aged (60+ Age) Men and Women who are Widows, Widowers, neglected, disadvantaged, socio-economically backward are admitted and developed their Case studies. We are providing all the Physical, Social, Psychological, Emotional, Health, Economical, Cultural services, and the required real & felt needs of the inmates. According to their need, we are providing Food, Clothing, Shelter, Caretaking, Safety & Security, maintenance, Counselling, Recreation, mentoring, and other support services. The organization is providing all the facility-based and faith-based services to the inmates to lead their better life in the last resort of life. The Qualified, Trained, Experienced and motivated staff are working in delivering the services. We have an opportunity to serve the needy. Total 50 Aged Men & women are receiving the services directly as inmates and above 100 aged people are getting need-based services. In the future, we are planning to serve thousands of needy Aged people by providing institutional & non-institutional services with the support of external donors.
Caring with dignity, purpose and security deserved senior citizens
Improve the lines (Longevity) of Targeted older adults, who are needy, Vulnerable.
Physical, Social, Psychological, Emotional, Health well being (Holistic)