- To provide physical, psychological, social, cultural, health, emotional life skills, rehabilitate need-based services/inputs to the Aged.
- To enhance their life capacities hope, self-esteem longevity by providing supportive services
- 60 + Aged widow, widower, physically, psychologically, socially, Health Economically, disadvantaged rural aged are enrolled as inmates.
- Admission, Case Study, Counseling, Treatment, Therapy, Recreation, Emotional Support, Psycho-social Support,, Rehabilitation, Referral & Support Services, Follow-u Support, Services, Follow-up, Emotional Support, Psycho-social Support, Rehabilitation, Referral & \Support, Services, Follow-up.
Target Group |
60+ Aged Men & Women Disadvantaged, Abandoned, Orphan, Neglected, Vulnerable
Objective |
To provide Human Needs (Old Age People) Physiological Needs: Food, Shelter, Clothin Belonging-ness: For family, Friends, and Society Esteem Needs: For appreciation and respect Self-actualization Needs: For releasing their potential all for their Existence, Relatedness, and Growth through Social Interaction, Family Interaction, Commercial Interaction, Determination of Competence, Quasi-contracts, Voluntary Transfer of Authority, etc activities.
Activity |
Health – Awareness, Counselling, Treatment, Therapy, Psycho-Social, Counselling, Mentoring, Recreation, Food, Clothing, Shelter and other need based holistic, faith based & facility based services. All care giving with the respect, love and affection, concern and sympathy.
Infrastructure |
Rest, Recreation, Health, Safety, Security, Educational, Rehabilitative Equipment, Furniture Facilities, Human Resource, Public utilities accessible available.
Achievements | Since inception hundreds of Aged vulnerable people Are Benefitted |